Marks or tracings?

I’ve written about Spuren auf dem Eise before—it’s one of the founding texts of figure skating. Two editions were published, the first in 1881 and the second in 1892. The second edition is substantially revised to include an expanded section on artistic skating. One interesting change comes in the section on theory. The first edition includes the sentence

Die Marken auf dem Eise sind das unauslöschliche Sündenregister, welches die Schlittschuhseele des Eisläufers, sein Schwerpunkt, auf dem Gewissen hat. (p. 132)

(The marks on the ice are the indelible register of sins, which the skate-soul of the skater focuses on consciously.)

Spuren auf dem Eise (1881), p. 132. Translation my own.

The second edition, in contrast, says

Die Spuren auf dem Eise sind das unauslöschliche Sündenregister, welches die Schlittschuhseele des Eisläufers, sein Schwerpunkt, auf dem Gewissen hat.

(The tracings on the ice are the indelible register of sins, which the skate-soul of the skater focuses on consciously.)

Spuren auf dem Eise (1892), p. 89. Translation my own.

The only difference is that “Marken” (marks) changed to “Spuren” (tracks). I’ve translated “Spuren” as tracings since that’s what the marks left by skates on the ice are called today. This change emphasizes the control skaters were developing and the goal of producing a visible design: marks can be any random imperfections, but tracings are left on purpose. This change signals the development of figures as a discipline of skating that contrasts with the visual spectacle of dancing on ice.

Both editions have “Spuren” in the title, which shows that this idea was present from at least 1881. The change in the second edition shows that the emphasis on tracings became even stronger. Both editions go on to say

Hervorragende Eisläufer erkennt man an ihren Spuren auf dem Eise.

(One recognizes outstanding skaters by their tracings on the ice.)

Spuren auf dem Eise (1881), p. 133; (1892), p. 89. Translation my own.


D. Diamantidi, C. von Korper, and M. Wirth. 1881. Spuren auf dem Eise. Vienna: Alfred Hölder.

D. Diamantidi, C. von Korper, and M. Wirth. 1892. Spuren auf dem Eise. 2nd ed. Vienna: Alfred Hölder.