A caricature of Jones? Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons. Today marks the 250th anniversary of Robert Jones's conviction. On this blog, Jones is best known for his Treatise on Skating—the oldest known book about ice skating—and his skates, which I tried to reproduce. Jones is also known for child molestation. Today day in 1772, he was… Continue reading 250 years of Robert Jones
Category: Books and articles
Skates and skatemakers in the 19th and 20th centuries
Today's book report is on Schaatsen en schaatsenmakers in de 19e en 20e eeuw [Skates and skatemakers in the 19th and 20th centuries] by A. C. Broere. I have the 1988 edition (dark blue cover); there's also a version with a white cover. I don't know what the difference is. It's only 80 pages long… Continue reading Skates and skatemakers in the 19th and 20th centuries
Zwerven op de schaats door Holland
Zwerven op de schaats door Holland This post continues the backlog of skating books books I have to write about. This one is in Dutch, and the title means "roaming on skates through Holland." It's a small book—only 96 pages and about 5"x7"—published by Van Gorgum in 1942. The book includes short chapters on the… Continue reading Zwerven op de schaats door Holland
Ice Dances, Figures and Exercises
This book was published in 1966 by the US Figure Skating Association, but exists outside of the Rulebook and test structure. It, according to the foreward [sic], exists to help further interest, proficiency and enjoyment to the skaters who like this phase of our sport.Ice Dances, p. 3 The book can be divided into three… Continue reading Ice Dances, Figures and Exercises
Georges Deny, Traité du patinage
Traité du patinage (Treatise on Skating) by Georges Deney, was published twice: in 1891 or 1892 and again in 1914. WorldCat gives the date of the first edition as 1891, but Fowler includes it in his list of books published in 1892. Everyone has the year in square brackets, which means nobody's really sure. Fowler's… Continue reading Georges Deny, Traité du patinage
Courtney Jones, Around the Ice in 80 Years
https://www.amazon.co.uk/Around-Ice-Eighty-Years-irreverent/dp/0992851432/ Courtney Jones's autobiography on Amazon UK. Courtney Jones is being the third Jones discussed on this blog, after Robert Jones and Ernest Jones. I have no idea whether they are related. This Jones's achievement is the publication of a memoir, Around the Ice in Eighty Years: An Irreverent Memoir by an Accidental Champion, currently… Continue reading Courtney Jones, Around the Ice in 80 Years
New publications
I haven't been writing much here lately, but some new things are up on Schaatshistorie.nl: Two videos from my new Evolution of Skating series: Bone skates and Archetype skates. Those links are to the English versions, they are also in Dutch here and there."Whither bone skates research?", a short article summarizing the state of research… Continue reading New publications
Bones at a Crossroads
Baseball before We Knew It
Baseball before We Knew It by David Block, 2005. I just read David Block's Baseball before We Knew It. As might be inferred from its title, this book is not about skating. It's still great. I found a lot of parallels to my work on skating history in it. It covers some of the same… Continue reading Baseball before We Knew It
The myth of skating history
My new article, "The myth of skating history: Building elitism into a sport" has been published in a special issue of Leisure Sciences on myths and mythmaking. It's about the development of figure skating's origin story—that story about medieval Scandinavians traveling and hunting on bone skates that's at the beginning of pretty much every book… Continue reading The myth of skating history